Gaudete Mixed Choir
The "Gaudete" choir, conducted by Karolina Ryczek-Zgoła, operates at the parish of St. Ap. Peter and Paul in Świętochłowice.
Choir sang for the first time in February 2015. It unites parishioners who love singing together. Through singing, he actively participates in the life of the parish, in important church celebrations, and also organizes singing coffee meetings.
In 2016, choir won the 3rd prize at the 7th Sacred Song Festival in Świętochłowice, an honorable mention at the Salve Caecilia Festival in Krzeszowice (November 2017) and a distinction for general artistic impression - the priest's award. Miter by Bronisław Morawiec at the 12th National Festival of Church Choirs of Penitential and Passion Songs - Żory 2018.
foto. materiały prasowe Chóru